"In life you’re either going to see people as your adversaries or your assets and that is how you will relate to them. If they are adversaries, you will be continually sparring with them, trying to defend your position. If you see people as assets, you will help them see their potential, and you will become allies in making the most of each other."
"siapa aku dimatanya?" ini bukanlah hal yang akan aku ungkapkan karena perasaan jatuh cinta , tapi pertanyaan ini adalah pertanyaan ketika aku bertemu dengan mereka "yang-jauh-di-atasku" . Apa yang akan kau hadapi apabila memiliki teman yang jauh di atasmu . Hanya ada dua hal yang akan mungkin terjadi , kau akan berusaha menjadi dia yang sempurna dimatamu , atau kau akan benci dia yang sempurna di mata orang lain . Ketika aku merasakan hal ini aku jatuh pada point ke dua , dimana aku membenci dia yang sempurna di mataku dan orang lain , aku merasa selalu ada di bawah bayang bayang dekat dengannya . Hingga akhirnya menjadi musuhnya dari belakang . Aku berpura pura bersikap dia adalah hal biasa , tapi di belakangnya aku selalu berusaha agar dia menjauh dariku . Bukan hal yang mudah menjadi dekat dengannya yang justru ingin kujauhi .
banyak orang bilang " lu harusnya tau siapa diri lo" kesadaran akan diri sendiri , membandingkan dengan dia yang kubenci dengan semua kesempurnaannya . Mungkin tidak seharusnya aku membenci dia dan juga apa yang di dirinya , kebencian itu dimulai ketika dia berhasil mendapatkan apa yang dia mau dan aku jatuh karena apa yang ku mau . Dunia tidak adil saat itu , iya tidak adil . Apa yang kumau tidak pernah kudapatkan , tetapi dia yang hanya "coba coba" selalu mendapatkannya , rasa benci itu selalu datang ketika aku merasa dia bahagia di saat aku sedang terjatuh .
sejak saat itu aku mebanding bandingkan apa yang ada padaku dengan dirinya , melihat apa yang menjadi titik kelebihanku darinya , saat itu terbesit apa yang bisa kulakukan untuk membuatnya menjadi jatuh . Jahat , aku memang sadar saat itu aku jahat sekali . aku selalu berusaha terlihat lebih baik darinya , ketika akhirnya aku sadar . Dia yang sempurna di mataku , malah menganggapku sempurna di matanya . ketika kebencian datang dan aku berusaha menjadi "maharaja" dia mengganggap hal itu hebat , "tidak ada orang yang selalu berusaha lebih unggul sementara dia akan bersikap sangat merendah" saat itu aku ingin dia membenciku dan jauh , pergi jauh dari hidupku tapi dia justru semakin dekat .
kemudian , dia yang sangat kubenci perlahan lahan menjadi sosok dia yang sangat aku kagumi . Ada banyak hal yang ia lakukan yang tanpa kusadari aku tidak mengetahuinya . Hal hal yang tidak kuketahui itu yang membuatku selalu berpikir dunia memang tidak pernah adil . Dia yang kubenci selalu mendukungku ketika aku jatuh , dia selalu berpikir aku akan bangkit lebih baik dari apa yang terjadi sekarang . Hingga kini aku mulai bisa membuat kesimpulan
Saat kita mulai sadar akan kekurangan dan kelebihan kita itulah saat dimana perjuangan menjadi lebih baik dimulai. Dengan orang lain sebagai rekan kita, kita belajar bagaimana caranya agar kita bisa lebih baik. Bukan lebih baik dari siapapun juga, tetapi lebih baik dari diri kita sendiri.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
koperasi sebagai badan usaha
Pengertian koperasi
secara sederhana berawal dari kata ”co” yang berarti bersama dan ”operation”
(Koperasi operasi) artinya bekerja. Jadi pengertian koperasi adalah kerja sama.
Sedangkan pengertian umum koperasi adalah : suatu kumpulan orang-orang yang
mempunyai tujuan sama, diikat dalam suatu organisasi yang berasaskan
kekeluargaan dengan maksud mensejahterakan anggota.
Koperasi adalah badan usaha yang
beranggotakan orang atau badan hukum yang berlandaskan pada asas kekeluargaan
dan demokrasi ekonomi. Kegiatan usaha koperasi merupakan penjabaran dari UUD
1945 pasal 33 ayat (1). Dengan adanya penjelasan UUD 1945 Pasal 33 ayat (1)
koperasi berkedudukan sebagai soko guru perekonomian nasional dan sebagai
bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam sistem perekonomian nasional. Sebagai salah
satu pelaku ekonomi, koperasi merupakan organisasi ekonomi yang berusaha
menggerakkan potensi sumber daya ekonomi demi memajukan kesejahteraan anggota.
Karena sumber daya ekonomi tersebut terbatas, dan dalam mengembangkan koperasi
harus mengutamakan kepentingan anggota, maka koperasi harus mampu bekerja
seefisien mungkin dan mengikuti prinsip-prinsip koperasi dan kaidah-kaidah
Pengertian Koperasi
Menurut Para Ahli :
Dr. Fay ( 1980 )
Koperasi adalah suatu
perserikatan dengan tujuan berusaha bersama yang terdiri atas mereka yang lemah
dan diusahakan selalu dengan semangat tidak memikirkan dari sendiri sedemikian
rupa, sehingga masing-masing sanggup menjalankan kewajibannya sebagai anggota
dan mendapat imbalan sebanding dengan pemanfaatan mereka terhadap organisasi.
Dr. G Mladenata
adalah terdiri atas produsen-produsen kecil yang tergabung secara sukarela
untuk mencapai tujuan bersama dengan saling tukar jasa secara kolektif dan
menanggung resiko bersama dengan mengerjakan sumber-sumber yang disumbangkan
oleh anggota.
Paul Hubert Casselman
adalah suatu sistem, ekonomi yang mengandung unsur sosial.
badan usaha : organisasi yang mengkombinasikan atau mengkoordinir sumber
sumber daya untuk tujuan memproduksi dan menghasilkan barang atau jasa .
sebagai badan usaha maka :
- tunduk pada kaidah atau prinsip prinsip ekonomi yang berlaku
- mampu menghasilkan keuntungan dan mengembangkan orang dan usahanya
- anggota sebagai pemilik sekaligus pengguna jasa
- memerlukan sistem manajemen usaha
koperasi sebagai badan usaha
berorientasi pada profit oriented dan benefit oriented landasan operasional
didasarkan pada pelayanan , serta memajukan kesejahteraan anggota adalah tujuan
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Friend, friends, friendship is words that describe how our lives with other people who we call friends. Friendship illustrates how our life cycle with other people who are entwined together in the same space and time. Social is how we share, what variety? shared sorrow, jokes, laughter and meaning of life that human beings are not able to live alone, people will always look for, own and realized that he needed someone in his life.
"Albert Camus" said
Friend, friends, friendship is words that describe how our lives with other people who we call friends. Friendship illustrates how our life cycle with other people who are entwined together in the same space and time. Social is how we share, what variety? shared sorrow, jokes, laughter and meaning of life that human beings are not able to live alone, people will always look for, own and realized that he needed someone in his life.
"Albert Camus" said
“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” it means that friends will be a part of the human self. He will walk beside you and hold true when you're trouble
Sometimes people choose to live alone because he felt it had no friends. no? people choose to live alone not because he does not believe that there is a friend but she never let down, betrayed by a friend who had her trust. Or she felt only as a supplement when a friend was in need of him, because it's a lot of people who feel that life is better alone than let down. whatever the meaning of a friend if we can not feel its presence, in this case is the friend was false, she is not real and she could not be there for us.
man has never lived alone he will always have a friend in his life, maybe not now but definitely there. God created millions of people on earth not to live alone, but side by side in the bonds of friendship and harmonious whole, real, and lasting. when you will have a friend in your life? trust me it will be soon and rest assured that you will never be alone in this world.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
indirect and direct speech
Indirect Speech / Reported Speech
Indirect speech (sometimes called reported speech), doesn’t use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesn’t have to be word for word.
When reporting speech the tense usually changes. This is because when we use reported speech, we are usually talking about a time in the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too
example : He said he was going to the cinema.
She said she had been teaching English for seven years.
She said she had been teaching earlier.
tenses change : Past simple
She said it was cold.
Past continuous
She said she was teaching English online.
Past perfect simple
She said she had been on the web since 1999.
Past perfect simple
She said she had been on the web since 1999.
Modal verb forms also sometimes change:
She said she would teach English online tomorrow.
She said she could teach English online.
She asked what we should learn today.
Time change
If the reported sentence contains an expression of time, you must change it to fit in with the time of reporting.
For example we need to change words like here and yesterday if they have different meanings at the time and place of reporting.
ex : She said yesterday’s lesson was on presentations.
Contoh soal :
Turn the following sentences into indirect speech.
1. John said, ‘I am very busy now.’
2. He said, ‘The horse has been fed.’
3. ‘I know her name and address,’ said John.
4. ‘German is easy to learn,’ she said.
5. He said, ‘I am writing letters.’
6. ‘It is too late to go out,’ Alice said.
7. He said to me, ‘I don’t believe you.’
8. He says, ‘I am glad to be here this evening.’
9. He said to me, ‘What are you doing?’
10. ‘Where is the post office?’ asked the stranger.
Answer :
1. John said that he was very busy then
2. He said that the horse had been fed.
3. John said that he knew/knows her name and address.
4. She said that German is/was easy to learn.
5. He said that he was writing letters.
6. Alice said that it was too late to go out.
7. He told me that he didn’t believe me or he said he didn’t believe me.
8. He says that he is glad to be here this evening.
9. He asked me what I was doing.
10. The stranger asked where the post office is/was
Here what a person says appears within quotation marks (“…”) and should be word for word
prounoun change : i teach english online
reporting verb : lina told me she felt tired
Modal verb forms also sometimes change:
She said, “I’ll teach English online tomorrow.”
She said, “I can teach English online.”
She said, “What shall we learn today?”
tenses change :
Present simple
She said, “It’s cold.”
Present continuous
She said, “I’m teaching English online.”
Present perfect simple
She said, “I’ve been on the web since 1999.”
time change : “Today’s lesson is on presentations.”
contoh soal :
1. I asked Amy____________turned off the coffe pot
answer : if she had
2.elly wanted to know ___________supper was ready
answer : whether
3.paul asked me whether or not i_________at the party
answer : would be
4.sharon asked me when i ____ called
answer : had
5.george said ____ hungry
answer : he was
6.karen said ______ her glases
answer : i had seen
7.she said that we __________her when we get home
answer : should call
8.my father told me that _____ a planned
answer : i should
9. she asked me __________________________the box for her
answer : if i would carry
10. the student asked _______________ make an appoinment
answer : if he could
Indirect Speech / Reported Speech
Indirect speech (sometimes called reported speech), doesn’t use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesn’t have to be word for word.
When reporting speech the tense usually changes. This is because when we use reported speech, we are usually talking about a time in the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too
example : He said he was going to the cinema.
She said she had been teaching English for seven years.
She said she had been teaching earlier.
tenses change : Past simple
She said it was cold.
Past continuous
She said she was teaching English online.
Past perfect simple
She said she had been on the web since 1999.
Past perfect simple
She said she had been on the web since 1999.
Modal verb forms also sometimes change:
She said she would teach English online tomorrow.
She said she could teach English online.
She asked what we should learn today.
Time change
If the reported sentence contains an expression of time, you must change it to fit in with the time of reporting.
For example we need to change words like here and yesterday if they have different meanings at the time and place of reporting.
ex : She said yesterday’s lesson was on presentations.
Contoh soal :
Turn the following sentences into indirect speech.
1. John said, ‘I am very busy now.’
2. He said, ‘The horse has been fed.’
3. ‘I know her name and address,’ said John.
4. ‘German is easy to learn,’ she said.
5. He said, ‘I am writing letters.’
6. ‘It is too late to go out,’ Alice said.
7. He said to me, ‘I don’t believe you.’
8. He says, ‘I am glad to be here this evening.’
9. He said to me, ‘What are you doing?’
10. ‘Where is the post office?’ asked the stranger.
Answer :
1. John said that he was very busy then
2. He said that the horse had been fed.
3. John said that he knew/knows her name and address.
4. She said that German is/was easy to learn.
5. He said that he was writing letters.
6. Alice said that it was too late to go out.
7. He told me that he didn’t believe me or he said he didn’t believe me.
8. He says that he is glad to be here this evening.
9. He asked me what I was doing.
10. The stranger asked where the post office is/was
Direct Speech / Quoted Speech
Saying exactly what someone has said is called direct speech (sometimes called quoted speech)Here what a person says appears within quotation marks (“…”) and should be word for word
prounoun change : i teach english online
reporting verb : lina told me she felt tired
Modal verb forms also sometimes change:
She said, “I’ll teach English online tomorrow.”
She said, “I can teach English online.”
She said, “What shall we learn today?”
tenses change :
Present simple
She said, “It’s cold.”
Present continuous
She said, “I’m teaching English online.”
Present perfect simple
She said, “I’ve been on the web since 1999.”
time change : “Today’s lesson is on presentations.”
contoh soal :
1. I asked Amy____________turned off the coffe pot
answer : if she had
2.elly wanted to know ___________supper was ready
answer : whether
3.paul asked me whether or not i_________at the party
answer : would be
4.sharon asked me when i ____ called
answer : had
5.george said ____ hungry
answer : he was
6.karen said ______ her glases
answer : i had seen
7.she said that we __________her when we get home
answer : should call
8.my father told me that _____ a planned
answer : i should
9. she asked me __________________________the box for her
answer : if i would carry
10. the student asked _______________ make an appoinment
answer : if he could
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