Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Contoh Soal Subject Verb Agreement

1. Some of the fruit in this bowl ... rotten
    a. is      c this
    b are    d do
2. Most of the movie...funny
    a. is     c are
    b do    d.did
3. Each of the boys in the class.. his own notebook
    a. has   c have
    b. is     d. are
4. The number of employes in my company… approximately ten thousand
    a. is     c. do
    b are   d. this 
5. ... all of this homework have to be finished by tomorrow 
   a. do    c. did
   b. does d. was 
6. he books that I got from my friend, Muh. Rifqy....very interesting,
   a. is      c. was
   b. are   d. were
7. My boss always...on time.
    a. comes  c. came
    b. come   d. go
8. the cat... sleeping
    a. is         c. are
    b. was     d.did
9. My books....borrowed by him.
   a. were     c. is
   b. was      d. did
10. The manager... checked the documents.
   a. has       c. is
   b. was     d. did

Eror Analis 
1. The flakes in this cereal tastes like sawdust    
    answer : taste 
2. The decisions of the judge seems questionable.    
    answer : seem
3. People in big cities tends to use their spare time doing sports or hanging out in parks.  
    answer : tend 
4.  My boss always come on time     
     answer :  comes  
5.  The book in the library of UIN Alauddin are very interesting.
    answer : books
6. There are thirty-three student in my class.
    answer : students
7. The department members but not the chair has decide not to teach on Valentine's Day.
   answer : have decided
8. It was the speaker, not his ideas, that have provoked the students to riot.
   answer :  has
9. My glasses was on the bed.
   answer : were
10. is either my brothers or my father responsible? 
    answer : are 
11. The average worker's earnings are gone up dramatically.
     answer : have 
12.  None of the students has do their homework.
      answer : have done
13. Some of the beads is  missing
      answer : are
14. The number of days in January are thirty one.
      answer : is
15. There is an accident last week.
      answer : was 


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